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From the top of her mountain the Gentian communicates to us a vision  more comprehensive of life. With La Gentiane there is no failure as long as you do your best. Everything becomes an opportunity to achieve integrated learning! The floral essence of Gentian brings courage and responsibility to overcome adversities. Its vibratory message is recommended for those who are easily discouraged as soon as a small problem arises. She  help to  take charge and  get into action mode! Gentian is recommended for  stimulate  courage and ardor  of those who suffer from disease, or who are cast down  by too much work or study. It is the ideal flower for  overcome apathy and finally pass  to another step!

Gentian/courage and action

    Naturopathie et essences florales pour le mieux-être

    490 Ch Jacques-Cartier nord
    Stoneham et Tewkesbury
    Québec, G3C1X7
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